Code of Sports Ethics

The Zumaia Flysch Trail Mendi Maratoia-NW Organization fully assumes compliance with the code of sports ethics, approved by the Council of Europe on 24 September 1992.

Naturally, its application to mountain sports will be carried out adapting its content and definitions to the peculiarities and specifications typical of mountain sports.


1. The Council of Europe’s Code of Ethics for “Fair Play in Sport” is a statement of intent accepted by the European Ministers responsible for sport.

2. The Code starts from the principle that the ethical considerations underlying “fair play” are not an optional element, but something essential to all sporting activities, to every policy and to all kinds of management carried out in the field of sport , and that those considerations apply at all levels of competition and commitment to sporting activity, both recreational and competition.

3. The Code provides a strong ethical framework to combat the pressures exerted by modern society, which pose a threat to the traditional foundations of sport, which are based on “fair play”, sports spirit and movement Volunteer.

Code Objectives

1. The Code is essentially intended to promote “fair play” among children and adolescents who will be adult athletes and tomorrow’s figures of the sport. However, the Code is aimed at adults and institutions that have a direct or indirect influence on the commitment and participation of young people in sport.

2. The Code encompasses the concept of the right of children and adolescents to practice and to obtain satisfaction from that practice, and the concept of responsibility of adults and institutions as promoters of “fair play” and guarantors of the respect for that right.

Definition of “Clean Play

1. “Fair Play” means much more than just respect for the rules: it encompasses the concepts of friendship, respect for the adversary and sportsmanship. It’s, more than a behavior, a way of thinking. The concept extends to the fight against cheating, against the art of deceiving without violating the rules, against doping, physical and verbal violence, inequality of opportunity, over-marketing and corruption.

2. “Clean Play” is a positive concept. The Code considers sport as a sociocultural activity that enriches society and friendship between nations, provided it is practiced with loyalty. Sport is also regarded as an activity that, if exercised with loyalty, allows the person to know, express himself and perform better; developing, acquiring practical knowledge and demonstrating its capabilities, sport makes social interaction possible, is a source of enjoyment and brings well-being and health. Sport, with its extensive network of clubs and fans, offers the opportunity to participate and take on social responsibilities. In addition, responsible participation in certain activities may contribute to the development of sensitivity to the environment.

Responsibility for “Clean Play”

The Code recognizes that the participation of children and adolescents in sports activities is embedded in a broader social environment. Admits that the individual and society can only take full advantage of the potential advantages of sport if “fair play” ceases to be a secondary concept to become a central concern; recognizes that all people who, directly or indirectly, favour and influence the experience that children and adolescents live in sport, should give an absolute priority to this concept. These include:

1. Governments: at all levels, including agencies working with governments. Participants in the official education sectors have a special responsibility.

2. Sports and sports-related organizations: in particular, sports federations and governing bodies, physical education associations, training bodies and institutes, professions related to medicine and pharmacy, and the media. The commercial sector, including the production, sale and marketing activities of sporting goods, must also assume its responsibilities and contribute to the promotion of “fair play”.

3. Individuals: specifically parents, teachers, coaches, referees, managers, managers, administrators, journalists, doctors and pharmacists, as well as athletes of high competition, who serve as models. The Code applies to all persons, regardless of whether they participate as volunteers or as professionals. As spectators, people can assume complementary responsibilities.

Each of these institutions and individuals has to take responsibility and play a role. This Code of Ethics is intended for them, and will only be effective if all actors in the world of sport are willing to assume the responsibilities defined in it.

1. Governments shall assume the following responsibilities:

1.1 promote the adoption of rigorous ethical criteria in all social areas in which sport is present;

1.2 encourage and support individuals and organizations that apply sound ethical principles in activities related to sport;

1.3 encourage physical education teachers and monitors to attach paramount importance to the promotion of sport and “fair play” in school sports training programmes;

1.4 support all initiatives aimed at promoting “fair play” in sport, particularly among young people, and encouraging institutions to give priority to this objective;

1.5 encourage, at the national and international levels, research aimed at improving understanding of the complex problems affecting the practice of youth sport, and assessing the extent of undesirable behaviours and opportunities to promote “Fair Play”.

2. Sports and sports organisations linked to sport shall assume the following responsibilities:

“Fair Play” framework and context:

2.1 provide clear directives defining conduct that is compliant or contrary to ethics, and ensure that a system of consistent and adjusted stimuli and sanctions is implemented in all modalities and levels of participation;

2.2 to ensure that all decisions comply with an ethical code applicable to their sporting discipline and inspired by the European Code;

2.3 to sensitize opinion within its sphere of influence with regard to the concept of “clean play”, through campaigns, rewards, teaching materials and training offers. These organizations should also closely monitor the progress of these activities and assess their effects;

2.4 Implementing systems that, in addition to success in competition, reward “fair play” and personal development

2.5 to provide support and assistance to journalists to encourage “good behavior”.

2.6 ensure that participatory structures provide for the specific needs of adolescents and growing children, allowing participation at various levels, from recreational activity to high competition;

2.7 to support the amendment of regulations in order to meet the specific needs of young people, highlighting not only competitive success, but also “fair play”;

2.8 ensuring the implementation of guarantees to prevent the exploitation of minors, in particular those showing early skills;

2.9 ensure that all members or members of an organization that assume responsibilities for young people and adolescents have the necessary qualities to guide, train and educate them and, in particular, ensure that they are aware of the transformations involved in the child’s maturation process.

Individuals shall assume the following responsibilities:

Individual behavior:

3.1 possess exemplary behavior that offers a positive model to children and adolescents; refrain in any event from rewarding, adopting personally or ignoring any unfair behaviour by third parties; impose appropriate sanctions on this type of behaviour;

3.2 ensure that the level of training and qualification is adjusted to the needs of the child, depending on the different degrees of participation in the sport.

Working with young people:

3.3 make the health, safety and well-being of the child or young athlete the main one of their priorities, and make these objectives prioritised with regard to the achievement of success by person involved, or the reputation of the club, school, coach or father’s;

3.4 to allow children to live a sporting experience that encourages them to participate all their lives in healthy physical activities;

3.5 refrain from treating children as if they were small adults, instead awareness of the physical and psychic transformations involved in the development of the child and how they influence athletic performance;

3.6 refrain from placing the child in the face of expectations that he is not able to meet;

3.7 recognize the importance of the enjoyment and enjoyment of competition, refraining in any event from exerting undue pressure on the child and contrary to his right to decide freely on his participation;

3.8 to be interested both in the best-endowed individuals and those who are not so much, highlighting and rewarding, apart from success in competition, personal development and the acquisition of practical knowledge;

3.9 encourage young people to create their own games and adopt their own rules; to act not only as competitors, but also as coaches, managers or referees; to set their own system of perks and sanctions for fair or unfair behaviour; and to be held accountable for their actions;

3.10 to provide young people and their families with as much information as possible, so that they are aware of the potential risks and attractions of success.


“Fair play” is essential if you want to promote and develop sport and sports participation. Loyal behavior in sport, “fair play”, is beneficial for the individual, sports organizations and society as a whole. Our obligation is to foster that spirit.